I walk... always in your shadow. 
The air I breathe is your air.
Second-hand air.

I subsist.
On scraps of conversation thrown my way.
On the odd, sly glance.
On the insult, the taunt... the jibe.
I live on borrowed time.
Bought from you.
At a high price.
The price of my life.

I live, always in your shadow.
I am nothing to you.
I long for one word...
Even a cruel word...

When you turn my way...
When you shout at me...
And scream...
I know I am still alive.
I still exist.

For what am I, but nothing?
What am I, when negated by you?
I fade.
I disappear.
Always in the shadows.
Never to see the sun.
I am... invisible.


Dedicated to all victims of Domestic Violence, and Child Abuse, by the author. 03/09/2013.


*Image of ghost taken from city-mankato.us/hmpix/womanstair.jpg